24 Mayıs 2015 Pazar

System Database

During run time, the data dictionary is loaded into memory when the MXServer starts.
There are two types of data stored in the data dictionary:

Data dictionary data is metadata for every service, object, table, view, column, and so on that is used by the system.
Application data is data for every application object, such as work order, item, PO and so on.

If you create a new table, you must register that table in the data dictionary. ( Use database configuration application to create new tables for best practices.)

MAXTABLES : defines the tables for each application.
MAXVIEWS : contains the view definitions, which are the tables associated with the view.
MAXOBJECT : contains the class name. Every object is associated with a table or view.

The MaxObject table defines all the MBOs. There are three types of objects:
  • standard objects, which directly represent a database table
  • views, which represent database views
  • non-persistent objects, which represent MBOs that exist in MXServer but do not persist - do not get saved - in the database

Classname is the java class file that is used with this object's MBOSet.
Entityname is the database table name or view name used by this object.
Extendsobject is the object name that this object extends. For example, WPITEM is the base table for the WPMATERIAL view. By extending the base table, the WPMATERIAL object inherits all the columns and all the business rules that WPITEM has. It then defines its own specific columns and business rules.

The WOCHANGESTATUS object is a non-persistent object. It is used to collect information for a work order status change, e.g. the new status. In the UI, the Change Status dialog is shown when the Change Status action is chosen. The fields in this dialog represent the WOCHANGESTATUS object. When the OK button is clicked, the collected information is used to actually change the status of the current work order.

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